Comparison between Pāḷi and Sanskrit - Part 3

Comparison between Pāḷi and Sanskrit - Part 3
1. Why changes in the words of language?

In the ancient time, the words are not written down, but learn by heart. b. Different places have different dialects. Thus the words are pronounced different.
2.Possible changes
H > ḥ, second and fourth consonants.
d > ḷ                    dh > ḷh
k > y                     d > y
k >g                     
g > k                         
t > d                       d > t       dh > th
p > v                       b, v >  p
ṭ >ḍ > ḷ
Loss of aspiration/’h’ sound
gh > kh         n >ṇ          Guttural <-> palatal
j > c             d > r           palatal > dental
ṣ,ś, s > s       n> r            lingual <>dental
ṣ,ś > ch         ṇ>ḷ,            l>n     r <> l

 Vagga (group)
a, ā

 Tāluja (Palatal)
ś, y
i, ī

ṣ, r,ḷ
ṛ, ṝ

 Dantaja (Dental)
s, l
lṛ, lṝ

 Oṭṭhaja/ Labial)
u, ū

ṃ=niggahīta =nāsikā (nose)
e, ai = kaṇṭhaja-tāluja              o,  au=kaṇṭhoṭṭhaja        V=dantoṭṭhaja

i..Possible to interchange in same group, like
 k  > g, g > k,  j > c,  t > d, d > t,  dh > th,  p > b , p > v, ṭ > ḍ , ṭ > ḷ
ii. Possible to change to nearby location, like k > y (guttural to palatal),
d > ḷ   (dental to lingual)
iii. ‘H’ becomes second consonant or fourth consonant or vice versa. For example, h > kh, kh> h.
At Conjunct consonants, these changes will take place.
a. Assimilation         -   ud-gacchati > uggachati ( to go up)
b. Insertion of vowel -  arya > ariya
c. Elision of one consonants -     ud-hanati > ūhanati
3. When there is change of consonant, the meaning is same e.g.
rudhira > ruhira (blood)
When there is change of consonant, the meaning becomes different e.g.
atthi (to be)-> aṭṭḥi ( bone).     kata (done) -> kaṭa (mat)
4. By comparing Pāḷi and Sanskrit language, we can see the changes in the pronunciation due to different dialect, region. In brief, phonology is due to the tongue of human beings. Lingual consonants (ṭ, ṭh, ḍ, ḍh, ṇ) are concerned with Damila people. In Myanmar and other Indo-aryan countries, the lingual consonant are not pronounced.
5. Why study the change/phonology? The answer is that to have more appreciation and comprehension and also understanding of the original teaching of Buddha called Tipiṭaka and its commentary.
H > ḥ, second and fourth consonants.
The ‘h’ letter is interchangeable with the Sanskrit letter “ḥ”, or with the second and fourth consonants like ‘dh’,’bh’ etc.
Rudhira      > Ruhira     (blood)
Purohita     > Purodhita (King’s advisers)
Prabhavati > Pahoti       (is able)   pra> ppa > pa, bh > bh, ava> o)
Bhavati       > hoti            (to be)  (bh > h) √hū 
Hammati    > Ghammati (to go) (h > gh) ,√gam (to go)
ḍ > ḷ, ḍh > ḷh
āpiḍā         > āveḷā            (garland)
peḍā          > peḷā              (basket)
rūḍha        > rūḷha e.g. ārūḷha (climb)
mīḍha        > mīḷha           (excrement)
hīḍ             > hīleti             (to neglect)
ūḍha          > vūḷha            (floated)  v- ūḍha >vūḷha (v is added,ḍ>ḷ)
By Sanskrit: vah + ta > ūḍha (va > ū, h+ t > ḍh)
By Pāḷi: vah + ta > vūḷha ( a > ū, h + t > ḷh)
Example: sahoḍḍhagahito (captured someone who with stolen goods)  saha + ūḍha > sahoḍha > sahoḍḍha
k > y, d > y
nijaṃ        > niyaṃ        (one’s own)
lokika       > lokiya         (mundane)
svādate     > sāyati         (well-eat, to taste)
  ( sv > ss> s, d > y)  , su+√ad = svād
kosika       > kosiya        (*a proper name)
āveṇika     > āveṇiya      (custom)
veyyattika > veyyattiya (lucidity)
posāvanika> posāvaniya  (development to maturity, brought up/raised)√pus,  verb: posāpeti,  posāpe + ana > posāpana + ika
  k > g
Eḍamūka  > eḷamūga   (deaf and dumb)

√ṃū (to be speechless,to mute,to be silent) verb: mavati (bhūvādi group) ,mūka: speechless/silent
Pratikṛtya > patigacca (earlier) (pr > pp > p, k >g, ṛ > a, ty >cc)
śākala        > sāgala      (a city in India) (ś > s)
  t > d
utāho         > udāhu      (or)
yātayati     > yādeti      (to exert onself, to endeavour)
yat + aya + ti
verb: yatati  (
yat + a+ ti) , Past participle: yat + ta > yata
nir + yādeti > niyyādeti (to lead out), paṭiyādeti (prepared)
pṛṣata       > pasada/pisata (spotted (antelope) )
ruta           > ruda                (voice/sound)
vitasti        > vidatthi           (finger-breadth) (t> d, st > tth )
vi +
tan + sti  (where the ending vowel of root is  dropped)tan(to spread)) e.g.. ātata, vitata, santati (saṃ + tan + ti).
Saṃghāt + sesa > saṃghādisesa  (t> d, insertion of i)
(saṃghāt = ablative, sesa=remaining, expel. thus expel from Saṃgha)
Saṃgha + atisesa  > saṃghādisesa, atisesa(remaining)
Others: saṃgha + ādi + sesa (Sangha is needed at beginning (ādi) and ending (sesa).
Eka + ūti > ekodi (one-pointedness)
ū  (to sew/ to weave), verb = ūti.
Note: ekodi is same as ekaggata as said by commentary.
eko udetīti ekodi. Udetī = pavattati , √ud + i  > udaya (rising).
grathita     > gadhita (greedy)
granth, grath ( to bind/to compose)
                         Skt: grantha , Pāḷi: gantha (text/book)
vyathate > vyadhate > vedhate (shiver/shake)(ya > i > e),
 verb: pavedhati, byathati,  Skt root :
vyath, in Saddanīti: √byath
p > v
apāṅga       > avaṅga (corner of eye)
apa + ā +
var + a + ti  > apāvarati > apāvurati > avāpurati
  v                 pu     
(Due to influence of neighbouring labial “v”, “a” becomes “u”. ‘P’ can change to ‘v’ or vice versa).
uppilāvita                     (emerged,risen up)
from verb:uppilāpeti > uppilāpita, where ‘p’ becomes ‘v’.
 ut +
plu + āpe + ta  >uppilāpita > uppilāvita
      pp          (tp > pp, insertion of ‘i’ between ‘p’ and ‘l’, ‘e’ is elided)>
root is
plu > o> av + a + ti > plavati, palavati (to float)
other forms: ubbilāvita , ubbillāvita.
ṭ >ḍ > ḷ
kheṭa           > kheḷa        (saliva)
sphaṭika      > phaḷika     (crystal) (sph > pph > ph)
kakkhaṭa     > kakkhaḷa (rough/rude/gross)
āṭavī             > āḷavī         (*Name of city)
lāṭa               > lāḷa           (creeper)
aguru           > akula        (perfume) (r> l, u> a)
chagala        > chakala     (goat)
sthagayati    > thaketi     (to close) (sth> tth> th, g> k, aya > e)
vāgurā          > vākurā     (snare) (g>k)
lagnaka         > lakanaka (anchor) or laganaka ; root
glāsnu           > kilāsu (weary/tired)(g> k, ‘i’ is inserted).
glai + su > glā + su > gilāsu >kilāsu
glai + a + ti > glay + a + ti > gilāyati
parikuṇṭhita > paliguṇṭhita (veiled/covered)
gh > kh
parigha          > parikha (bar)
j > c
pājeti             > pāceti     (to drive)      pa +
aj + e + ti
d > t   dh > th
upadheyya     > upattheyya (pillow)
pidhīyate       > pithīyate (to be closed)
*passive form with “ya”, same as pidahati
kusīta             > kusīda     (lazy/idle)
kusīta + ya > kosajja,
kusīda + ya > kosajja (*this is more possible) (dy > jj, u > o)
padara           > patara     (crack/split)
mṛdaṅga       > mutiṅga   (drum)
prādur           > pātu         (apparent/clear)
saṃsadi         > saṃsati    (at assembly)   saṃ +
sad + i
b,v > p
śāva               > chāpa       (young) (ś > ch, v >p)
balbaja          > pabbaja   (a kind of grass) (b>p, lb > bb)
palāva           > palāpa      (chaff)
prāvaraṇa    > pāpuraṇa  (garment/cloak)
(pr >pp> p, v> p, ‘a’ becomes ‘u’ due to ‘v’)
Pāḷi: opilāpeti  (ava +
plu + (ā)pe + ti ) (to immerse/ to dip down)
          (ava > o, ‘i’ insertion between ‘p’ and ‘l’).
Skt: plāvayati > pilāpeti
p  e
     ut +
plu + aya + ti > utplāvayati > uppilāvayati > uppilāpeti
                  ( u>o>av> āv)                                   
p   e
(‘U’ becomes av, insertion ‘i’ between ‘p’ and ‘l’.Due to causative aya, ‘av’ becomes ‘āv’. v > p, aya > e)
lāba, lāva      > lāpa              (a bird)
hū > huv + eyya > hupeyya (should be/would be/ might be) (v >p)
Insertion of ‘h’ at initial, middle and ending position
Sithila means soft sound and dhanita means hard sound. When hard sound is put on sithila, one will get dhanita. So, also by putting aspiration or ‘h’ sound, one will get second and fourth consonant. E.g. b-> bh, d-> dh

Sometimes, some Pāli word has no ‘h’ while its Sanskrit equivalent has, or vice versa. This aspiration maybe or not related to meaning, But because of different dialect or pronunciation, it comes to be. The loss or addition of this aspiration/ ‘h’ sound is important. ‘H” sound can be added at initial position, middle position and ending position.

1.’H’ sound at Initial position
kīla            > khīla        (post)
kṛtvas        > khattuṃ (times) (k > kh, ṛ > a, tv> tt, as >o>u, + ṃ)
tuṣa            > thusa       (husk)
kubja         > khujja     (humped) like the maid Khujjuttara (k >kh, bj >jj)
parasu       > pharasu  (axe)
pala            > phala       (a kind of measurement)
parus         > phalu       (knot of branch)
pāruṣaka   > phārusaka (a flower)
pāribhadra> phālibhaddaka (a name of a tree)
pāruśukā   > phāsukā    (rib)
pulaka        > phulaka    (precious stone)
pṛṣta           > phusita     
(drop of rain/snow etc) (p > ph, ṛ> u, i between  ‘s’ and ‘t’)
puṣya         > phussa      (one of 27 cluster of stars by Indian tradition, name of month) (ṣy > ss)
basta           > bhasta       (goat) (b > bh)
bhastrā > bhasta ( leather bag),  
*here, both have same Pāḷi but different Sanskrit word.
bisa             > bhisa         (lotus-sprout)
bṛṣī             > bhisī          (mattress)
busa           > bhusa         (chaff)
     2.Middle position
sukumāra    > sukhumāla (soft/smooth)
    3. Ending position
kakuda        > kakudha (hump)
śunaka        > sunakha   (dog)
ś> ch
Śāva            > chāpa       (young)
śepa             > cheppa     (tail)
śakṛt            > chaka      (dung) (ś>ch, ṛ>a)
ā +
han + ssaṃ > āhañchaṃ amatadunduhiṃ (I will beat the drum of deathlessness.)    (n > ṃ > ñ, ss> ch)
Note:Niggahita present 5 nasal sounds (ṅ,ñ,ṇ,n,m). So, ‘n’ can become ‘ṃ’. Due to ‘ch’, ‘ṃ’ becomes ‘ñ’.
Loss of aspiration/’h’ sound
Jhallika        > jallikā    (dirt)
kaphoṇi        > kapoṇi   (elbow)
kṣudhā         > khudā    (hunger) (kṣ > kkh >kh)
kathikā        > katikā    (promise)
kath + (i) + ya + te> kathiyati (is said)
Gutteral  >  Palatal
Kunda         > Cunda    (proper noun)
ing            > inj          (to shake/to tremble) . Verb = iñjati
Palatal to dental
jajvalyate     > daddallati   (to shine/to glisten) (j>d, jv>dv>dd, ly > ll)
cikitsati        > tikicchati     (to cure/heal) (
kit) (c>t, ts > cch) ki√kit+sa
jugupsati      > digucchati/jigucchati (to detest) (j>d, u>i, ps> cch)

Lingual to dental
ḍiṇḍima     > deṇḍima        (drum) (ḍ > d)
Dental to lingual
hṛta            > haṭa (t>ṭ)
like āhaṭa-vattha             (wash clothes again) –ā +
han + ta
vyāpṛta     > byāvaṭa      (busy) (v>b, p>v, ṛ > a, t>ṭ) vi+ā+
pṛ+ ta
pratimā     > paṭimā       (image) (pr>pp>p, t>ṭ) prati+

prathama  > paṭhama, pathama (first) (t>ṭ)
śṛthila       > sathila,saṭhila, sithila,siṭhila (loose/soft) (ś>s, ṛ >a or u)
kathina     > kaṭhina  (1.hard, firm, stiff. (adj) 2. the cotton cloth which was annually supplied by the laity to the bhikkhus for the purpose of making robes)
Kaṭhita, kuthita, kuṭṭhita, pakkuṭhita =boiled                          7/1/2013
kvath + (i) + ta > kuthita (va> u)
kvath + (i) + ta > kaṭhita (kv > kk > k, th >ṭh)
      kk ṭh
kvath + (i) + ta > kuṭṭhita (va > u, th > ṭṭh)
       u ṭh >ṭṭh
pa +
kvath + (i) + ta > pakkuthita> (kv> kk, a> u)
pakkathita > pakkuthita
pakkaṭhita > pakkuṭhita
(where ‘a’ becomes ‘u’ due to influence of labial ‘pa’.)
Notes: There is no fixed rule for lingual becomes dental or vice versa.
Dental to lingual
 saṃdaṃsa > saṇḍāsa  (pincers)
(ṃ becomes ṇ due to influence of d, d>ḍ, aṃ > ā)
daṃśa        > ḍaṃsa      (biting/bite)   (d >ḍ, ś>s) , root
daṣṭa          > daṭṭha      (bitten)           (ṣṭ > ṭṭh)   -root
     Note: both have same root, but first one-‘d’ becomes ‘ḍ’.
dagdha      > daḍḍha     (burnt) , root
dah+ana > āḷāhana (pyre, funeral fire)  (d>ḍ>ḷ)
Du+hadaya > dohaḷa     (desire)   (u>o, d>ḍ>ḷ, ya is elided),
duṭṭhaṃ hadayaṃ etenāti dohaḷo.  skt:dauhṛda (du +
udāra          > uḷāra       (noble) (d>ḍ>ḷ)
pariḍāha    > pariḷāha  (sorrow) 
pari +dah + a (d>ḍ>ḷ, ‘a’>ā due to suffix ṇa).

Dh >lh > ḷh
Dvaidhaka > dveḷhaka (doubt)            (a> e, dh>lh >  ḷh) 
Dvi +
√il + ha + ka  > Dveḷhaka (doubt) il (to shake,to tremble)
note: l + h > ḷh, ha is suffix, ka has no meaning. Ka is called svattha/sakattha –suffix to make word complete.
Meaning: mind is divided/shakeable/trembling in two ways.
Commentary explanation: dvidhā ilati cittametenāti dveḷhakaṃ  , ilati = to shake
dvi + ḷhaka (ai > e, dh > lh > ḷh)
dvihitikā is explained by “dvihā pavatta īhitika, īhitaṃ nā iriyā, dvidhā pavatta citta iriyā citta īha”.
dvihitika  =  dvi + īhitika = dvi + īhita + ika + ā
citta  iriya  is explained by  ‘citta īha’- the way/mode of thinking.

n >ṇ
jñāna          > ñāṇa               (knowledge/wisdom)

n > r
nairañjanā > nerañjarā       (River Name) (ai>e, n >r)
Commentary’s explanation :
      nīla   + jala (blue water/clean pure water)
 >  nera-ṃ-jala > nerañjarā        (ī>e, l>r, ṃ>ñ, l>r)

d > r
dasa           > rasa                  (ten)
ekādasa     > ekārasa            (eleven)
tedasa        > terasa               (thirteen)
īdṛśa          > īdisa >īrisa      (such/so)      (ṛ> i,ś >s, d >r)
imamiva naṃ passatīti īdiso  ( he sees him like this, so it is called īdiso)

īdṛkṣa > īdikkha > īrikkha  (such/so)   (ṛ>i, kṣ > kkh, d >r)
menanda   > milinda           (Greek King’s name) (e > I, n> l, a> i)
api + nah + a + ti > pilandhati (to adorn/ to decorate oneself)
                    (first letter ‘a’ is elided, n>l, n is inserted, h > dh).

Study on nela word

Anīḷakaṃ khuddamadhuṃ  (faultless honey). -> anīḷaka = na eḷaka     , eḷaka = goat
Anīḷakan’ti niddosaṃ  (anīḷaka means faultless).
Nelā kaṇṇasukhā pemaṇīya , nelā means faultless.
Here, ela is same as eḷa,  in Sanskrit, there  is no ‘ḷ’.
Nelāti eḷaṃ vuccati doso, nāssa elan’ti nelā, niddosāti attho.
Eḷa is said to mean dosa (fault/defect), na + assa elan ( to this man, there is no fault. Thus, it is called nelā, nela means niddosa (faultless).
Thus,  ‘l’ is interchanged with ‘l’.
enas                      > eḷa /ela    (fault)
         ṇ > ḷ
veṇu                   > veḷu       (bamboo)
mṛṇāla               > muḷāla  (lotus-stalk)
          r> l
rohita                 > lohita    (red)       two Pāḷi versions are rohita/lohita
rūkṣa                  > lūkha (rough,course) 
(kṣ > kkh > kh, the first ‘k’ is dropped
                                                                         in order to preserve long vowel’ū’)
raudra               > ludda   (cruel, pitiless) (r> l, au > o> u, dr > dd)
taruṇa               > taluṇa   (young, tender) (r>l)  -
these two word exist in Pāḷi
rāhulovāda-sutta > laghulavāda (laghulavāda exists in the Asoka’s pillar).
dardura             > daddula    (tree’s name)  (rd>dd, r>l)
sarjarasa            > sajjulasa  (resin) (rj> jj, a> u, l>r)
terasa                 >telasa >teḷasa (thirteen)
pari+khan+a+ ti > palikhanati (exterminate)
pari+ bundh   > palibodha (obstruction, hindrance, impediment)  (r>l,n is dropped)
eraṇḍa                 > elaṇḍa      (ricinus –botanical’s name- castor oil plant).
 pari +
svaj + a + ti > palissajati (to embrace) (sv>ss)
        l > r
aliñjara                > arañjara    (basis)
biḍāra                  > biḷāla          (cat)
ālambana             > ārammaṇa  (object)  (l>r, mb>mm, n >ṇ)
ā + lamb,    ā+ram + ana > āramana
kila                       > kira              (a particle)
        l > n
lāṅgala                 > naṅgala        (plough ) (l>n, ā>a)
lāṅgula                 > naṅgula        (tail)
lalāṭa                 > nalāṭa           (forehead)
dehalī                > dehanī          (threshold)

y > v, v> y
dāva                 >  dāya    (Migadāva- place’s name)  (y>v)
āyudha             > āvudha (weapon)       (
avaśyāya          > ussāva  (snow)           
(ava> o > u, śy > ss, y > v)
āyus + o           > āvuso    (O friend! [vocative form for āyuṣmant])
kāṣāya             > kāsāva  (saffron robe/defilements/dirt) (ṣ>s, y>v)
trayastriṃśat > tayattiṃsa     (tr>tt>t, ‘s’ is dropped, tr>tt, ś>s, ‘t’ is dropped)>
tt        tt     s      > tavatiṃsa/tāvatiṃsa
                         > tayatiṃsa/tāyatiṃsa
                           Pāḷi commentary explains tāvatiṃsa comes from tettiṃsa.
trayastriṃśat > tettiṃsa      
(tr> tt, aya>e, ‘s’ is dropped, tr>tt, ‘t’ is dropped)
                          So, there are five forms from the Sanskrit word trayastriṃśat.
piṇḍadāyika > piṇḍadāvika (alms-food donor).

y > v > b
mṛgayā      > migavā   (to go to hunting) (ṛ > i, y >v) yā to go
vaṇīyaka    > vanībaka > vanibbaka (beggar)
pūya           > pubba    (pus) ( y > v> bb)
avaśyāya    > ussāva   (snow) (ava > o> u, śy >ss, y>v)
āyu             >
i + u   (life) (i>e>ay)
jarāyu        > jalābu-ja (water-born) (r> l, y> v> b) jaraṃ etīti jarāyu. It means all beings except spontaneous-born, womb-born, egg-born.

v > m
mān + sa + ti> vīmaṃsati (to consider/to examine)
v ī         aṃ   

draviḍa       > damiḷa (Tamil people)(dr>dd> d, v> m, ḍ> ḷ)

Metathesis: Interchange of position of letters.                             7th Feb 2014
Especially due to ‘r’ consonant.
kareṇu          > kaṇeru           (young elephant)
pariyupāsati > payirupāsati  (attend, honour, pay homage)
kariyā           > kayirā             (should be done) [potential form]
pārupati        > pāpurati        (to dress/to cover/to wrap)
hrada > harada>rahada          (tank/pond/lake)
ārālika          > ālārika            (cook)
ścarya          > acchera          (wonderful/amazing)
   āścarya> accharya > acchariya> acchayira>acchayra>acchera  (‘i’ is deleted, ay>e)
ācariya          > ācera              (teacher)
   ācariya> ācayira> ācayra > ācera (‘i’ is deleted, ay>e)
pāṭihāriya      > pāṭihera        (marvel/miracle)
   pāṭihāriya> pāṭihāyira> pāṭihāyra > pāṭihera

 hṇ > ṇh 
pūrvāhṇa      > pubbaṇha      (morning) (ū>u, rv>vv>bb, hṇ>ṇh)
aparāhṇa      > aparaṇha        (afternoon) (ā>a, hṇ>ṇh)
vāhya            > vayhā              (chair/carrier)  
vah+ ya
garah+ ya > gārayha           (contemptible, low, to be blamed)
 (gerund of garahati),
those with “ya” suffix as below.
kar+ ya    > kāriya             (due to ‘ya’ suffix, ‘a’ becomes ‘a’).
bhū + ya  > bhavya> bhabba (able/capable/fit for) (ū>o>av, vv>bb)
āruhya         > āruyha              (having ascended; having climbed)
                                                   [gerund of āruhati])
duhyate       > duyhate              (is milked)         
duh+ ya + te
sahya           > sayha                  (endured)          
sah + ya
jihma           > jimha                  (crooked)
jihvā            > jivhā                    (tongue)
bahvābādho > bavhābādho      (many diseases)  (bahu + ābādho)

Changes for Double consonants                                    14 Feb 2014
1. Metathesis :  jihma > jimha (crooked)
2. Assimilation: smarati > ssarat > sarati
3.Insertion:   smarati > sumarati
At initial position
hreṣate        > hesate       (to neigh)  √hes (‘r’ is dropped)
hrasva         > rassa          (short)               (‘h’ is dropped)
praśna         > pañha       (question)  (pr> pp> p, ś> h, nh> ñh)
                                                          *pr is assimilated, first ‘p’ is dropped.
At middle position
pṛśniparṇī  > pañhipaṇṇi (a name of a tree) (ṛ>a, ś>h, hn> ñh, rṇ>ṇṇ)


aśmanā       > amhanā     (stone)    (ś > h, hm> mh)
kaśmīra      > kasmīra    (A district in Northern India, the modern Kashmir)
raśmi          > rasmi         (light/ray  /rope/rein)
si         (light/ray)
veśman       > vesama      (house)
At initial and middle position
śmaśru       > massu        (beard)  (śm >mm >m, śr >ss)

ṣṇ > ṇh
uṣṇa             > uṇha       (heat)     (ṣṇ >hṇ < ṇh)
uṣṇīṣa          > uṇhīsa     (diadem/forehead)  (ṣṇ> hṇ >ṇh)
kṛṣṇa           > kaṇha      (black)  (ṛ>a, ṣṇ > hṇ > ṇh)
tṛṣṇā            > taṇhā      (craving) (ṛ > a, ṣṇ > hṇ > ṇh)
snuṣā >suṇṣā>suṇhā      (daughter-in-law)   (ṇṣ >ṇh)
                        suṇisā                                  (insertion of ‘i’)
tūṣṇiṃ           > tuṇhī     (silent)  (ū>u, ṣṇ > ṇh, iṃ > ī)

ṣm > mh
griṣma          > gimha     (summer) (gr >gg>g, ṣ > h, hm>mh)
yuṣme           > tumhe
([plural nominative,accusative] , you) (y >t,ṣ>h,hm<mh)
śleṣman        > semha     (phelgm) (śl>ss>s, ṣm>hm>mh)
uṣman          > usmā/usumā (tejo) (ṣ>s,a>ā, ‘n’ is elided) (insertion of “u”)
āyuṣmant      > āyasmant/ āyasmat (having āyu (life) , long-life one)
bhaiṣma        > bhesma     (horrible)


snāyati          > nhāyati      (takes a bath) (s>h, hn>nh)
                         nahāyati                            (insertion of ‘a’)   
snāru            > nhāru         (nerve)             (s>h,hn>nh)

sm> mh
asmākaṃ      > amhākaṃ  (genitive/dative plural of amha, to us, of us (ours))
vismaya          > vimhaya    (astonishment)    (s>h,hm>mh))
smita              > mhita         (smile) ( s > h, sh> mh)
                          mihita                     (‘i’ is inserted), 
                          sita                         (sm>ss, first ‘s’ is dropped)
smarati           > sarati         (remember)   (sm >ss, first ‘s’ is dropped)
                           sumarati       (‘u’ is inserted)
nā + āpe >ñāpe + ti >ñatti (announcement/declaration)
                                                 (‘e’ is elided, pt >tt)

                                                 [Part 4>]

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