【English] 【华语】
Follow the Basic Abhidhamma teachings in the Aggācāra Youtube channel. (starting from Jun 2024)
There are good resources at http://www.abhidhamma.com.
For those who are new to Abhidhamma, we recommend them to study the following books in detail.
This book is a summary and introduction to the Abhidhamma which has 7 books-Dhammasangani, Vibhanga, DhatuKatha, Puggalapannati,Kathavatthu,Yamaka and Patthana. These seven books are difficult to study without proper understanding. So, the ancient teacher, Venerable Anuruddha (maybe in 8th century) had extracted the main essence and categorized in the systematic way. His book was called Abhidhammattha Sangaha.
A few years ago, Bhikkhu Bodhi (America) with Sayadaw U Revata (Myanmar) had worked together to compile and give an explanation to the Abhidhammasangattha. Thus, this book becomes a standard textbook for the students of Abhidhamma. It is called Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma by Bhikkhu Bodhi (general editor) (PDF, 2.8 MB)
Sayadaw U Silananda gave a series of Dhamma talk based on this Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma. His talks were compiled and transcribed into a book called Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies. (3 volumes) We really recommend this book because it explains certain difficult points in the earlier book.
Please download his recordings at abhidhammattha.blogspot.com and study with the Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies. In this way, students can learn Abhidhamma at own pace.
Thus, the recommended study are in this order:
1. Abhidhamma in Daily life by Ashin Janakabhivamsa,
2. Abhidhamma in Daily Life by Nina Gorkam
3. a. Comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma by Sayadaw U. Revata and Bhikkhu Bodhi.
b. Fundamental of Abhidhamma[part 1] [part 2]
c. Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies [Volume 1] [Volume 2] [Volume 3]
4. Theravada Abhidhamma by Y. Karunadasa
5. Patthana-uddesa
6. The Study of Abhidhamma Pattthana on Kusalatika
Thus, the recommended study are in this order:
1. Abhidhamma in Daily life by Ashin Janakabhivamsa,
2. Abhidhamma in Daily Life by Nina Gorkam
3. a. Comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma by Sayadaw U. Revata and Bhikkhu Bodhi.
b. Fundamental of Abhidhamma[part 1] [part 2]
c. Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies [Volume 1] [Volume 2] [Volume 3]
4. Theravada Abhidhamma by Y. Karunadasa
5. Patthana-uddesa
6. The Study of Abhidhamma Pattthana on Kusalatika
7. The Analytical Study of Dependent Origination (Paṭicca-samuppāda) in the Perspective of Conditional Relations (Paṭṭhāna) By Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Videos for Abhidhamma studies (Basic Level) as taught by Sayalay Cala in Melaka, Malaysia. (Jan 2017)
ChartsVideos for Abhidhamma studies (Basic Level) as taught by Sayalay Cala in Melaka, Malaysia. (Jan 2017)
1.Basic Buddhism https://youtu.be/J9oUWhF-j8o
2. 31 planes https://youtu.be/ykjnlGySONo
3. Rebirth https://youtu.be/FSFKdLZ77W8
4. Kamma and natural law https://youtu.be/TKOjvtgls8w
5. Types of kamma https://youtu.be/x-l71EcjTcg
6. The study of Abhidhamma to increase the vipassana knowledge https://youtu.be/hE0d9S-ruy8
7. Ultimate truth and conventional truth https://youtu.be/jw1bHARfSvg
8. Consciousness/citta ( part 1) https://youtu.be/fIO2lT0zZFY
9. Consciousness/citta (part 2) https://youtu.be/ptkTZpxlSsw
10. Cetasika/Mental factors(part 1) https://youtu.be/RrDdeQfws8E
12. Cetasika and questions and answers https://youtu.be/hUAbc90j-cU
13. Rupa Material https://youtu.be/TROnvePwdgo
14. Vithi Thought Process https://youtu.be/kBt3z9cebGE
15. Dependent orgination and Patthana https://youtu.be/DAwq3PCmZAo
2. 31 planes https://youtu.be/ykjnlGySONo
3. Rebirth https://youtu.be/FSFKdLZ77W8
4. Kamma and natural law https://youtu.be/TKOjvtgls8w
5. Types of kamma https://youtu.be/x-l71EcjTcg
6. The study of Abhidhamma to increase the vipassana knowledge https://youtu.be/hE0d9S-ruy8
7. Ultimate truth and conventional truth https://youtu.be/jw1bHARfSvg
8. Consciousness/citta ( part 1) https://youtu.be/fIO2lT0zZFY
9. Consciousness/citta (part 2) https://youtu.be/ptkTZpxlSsw
10. Cetasika/Mental factors(part 1) https://youtu.be/RrDdeQfws8E
12. Cetasika and questions and answers https://youtu.be/hUAbc90j-cU
13. Rupa Material https://youtu.be/TROnvePwdgo
14. Vithi Thought Process https://youtu.be/kBt3z9cebGE
15. Dependent orgination and Patthana https://youtu.be/DAwq3PCmZAo
1. 89/121 Cittas (Pali and English)
2. 28 Rupa
i 阿比达摩概要·的·讨论 (10月2016年,南传国际大学)
Chapter 1.第一章: Citta 心
1. Introduction, akusala citta 介绍,不善心
2. Ahetuka, sobhana 无因心,美心
3. Rupavacara, arupavacara 色界心,无色界心
4. Lokuttara 出世间心
Chapter2. 第二章:Cetasika 心所
5..Cetasika-Introduction, 介绍
6. Cetasika- characteristic, function, manifestation, proximate cause特像,作用,现起,近因。
7. Cetasika- 美心所,心和心所的结合
Chapter 3:Pakinnaka Mixed category 杂章:心、心所、色等的关系
8. Pakinnaka-杂,理解根,功能,门等。
9. Pakkinaka-杂,理解目标等
Chapter 6:Rupa Material 色法
10. Rupa-Material
11. Rupa-Material and category
12. Rupa-Material and origination and planes
Chapter 4: Vithi Thought process心路过程
13. Vithi process-part 1
14. Vithi process-part 2
15. Vithi process- part 3
16. Vithi process -part 4
Chapter 5: Vithimutta: 31 Planes, Kamma, Death 界,业力,死亡
17. Vithimutta - part 1
18. Vithimutta- part 2
89/121 Cittas -心分析的 图标