Monday, January 16, 2017

Meditation and Abhidhamma recordings

Meditation discussion with yogis at SKE, Melaka (Jan 15, 2017)

Videos for Abhidhamma studies (Basic Level) as taught by Sayalay Cala in Melaka, Malaysia. (Jan 2017)
Full list of Abhidhamma teaching at SKE, Melaka 


1.Basic Buddhism

2. 31 planes

3. Rebirth

4. Kamma and natural law

5. Types of kamma

6. The study of Abhidhamma to increase the vipassana knowledge

7. Ultimate truth and conventional truth

8. Consciousness/citta ( part 1)

9. Consciousness/citta (part 2)

10. Cetasika/Mental factors(part 1)

12. Cetasika  and questions and answers

13. Rupa Material

14. Vithi Thought Process

15. Dependent orgination and Patthana

Computer class in Summer 2025