Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Completion of Pali-Basic Level (2023.2024)

 Today, we finished the basic level that has been going on for one year since March 2023.

Today, five students have presented their analysis in Sutta. They were Sumitta, Chew Woon, Siew Moi, Ho and Guat Ngo. 

At the previous week, Wendy, B. Adityasena and Joyce did their presentation.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Completion of the Pali class-Intermediate Level (2023/2024)

 The Pali course for intermediate level started from last year Mac to this year Feb, it was about 1 year intensive training in Pali grammar. Glad that they survived this test.

The Pali course for intermediate level started from last year Mac to this year Feb, it was about 1 year of intensive training in Pali grammar. I am glad that they survived this test. Congratulations to Hui Lin, Wong Poh Chue and Hooi Gan Lau for the successful presentations on the analysis of sutta yesterday, on 23 March 2024, and also to Jenny, Jane, Bro Kow and Vira Ooi who had successfully finished their presentation last week (16 March 2024).  They are officially Pali scholars now and will obtain a diploma/certificate in Intermediate Pali level. 

With these presentations, the Pali Intermediate level is successfully completed.

Friday, February 9, 2024

2024 Chinese New Year - Greeting
















Flowers for My Mind

During these few days, I offered flowers to the Buddha statues. One day later, they became wilted as I have expected, so gleefully every day I am looking forward to the state of fading away. This is because I often hear about anicca-impermanence and dukkha-suffering. So I am especially looking forward to it.

The flowers were placed in front of the photo of my late teacher, Sayadaw Dr. Sunanda. So, it also reminds me of his impermanence.

I also put in the three fake flowers to have a sharp contrast with the live, real flowers.

While sitting there and meditating in my personal Buddha’s room, every day I contemplate the impermanence and suffering of the flower. I tried to see what kind of new revelation it would bring to my mind.

Yesterday, new flowers arrived to be offered to all Buddha statues. So, I also took some and put them in front of the same flower pot. So new flowers sit next to the old flowers.

Immediately, my eyes are drawn to the new flowers, and my mind is delighted with them as the new object of contemplation. After thinking for a few seconds,  my new revelation is:

Due to too much Dhamma knowledge, I failed to appreciate the old flower as the flower, only waiting for its fading away and the state to be thrown away. This is having extra knowledge that causes the blockage to appreciate the state of living, not the state of fading away.

So, now what shall I do? Despite sometimes there appear lazy mind and boring mind, I just continue with my meditation and chanting and do the sharing of merits with all beings and departed ones.

Let the flowers be just the flowers.

Let the flowers be the offering for the Buddha.

Let the flowers, new or old,

Be the new or old object for the faithful mind!

May you all also offer the flowers to the Buddha, 

and enjoy the freshness of the flower.

Happy Chinese New Year!

The commentary of Indriyasaṃyutta

The commentary of Indriyasaṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya Click here to download the file.