This time is a smooth time, after going ups and downs.
In the peacefulness, I learn to be gratitude.
In the turmoil time, I learn to be patience.
When making mistakes in life, I check my own motivation.
When people making mistakes, I learn to forgive them.
For my own mistake, I learn to forgive myself, and to improve further.
As the Buddha says,
There is only mind and matter,
There is no 'I' or self.
Due to the defilement in this 'I',
so this 'I' are making mistakes,
small or big,
So regrets float up in mind,
once and while.
Thoughts come and go,
Happy thoughts make me happy,
Sad thoughts make me sad.
By understand meditation
or mental cultivation, or mental development,
means seeing the truth, removing the false view,
So this 'I' understand this 'my mistakes'
Is due to defilements in this mind.
It is good to forgive others,
It is good to forgive myself,
Why I choose to live in regrets?
When I can choose to live in wisdom.
If this life is a biggest lesson in the world,
Let me cultivate good, develop wisdom,
Let me a true disciple of the Buddha,
Let me be someone who is wise and good.
Sharing to you, from me, at this time, at this moment.
[by Sayalay Cala Theri, 8th Mac 2016)
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