New book published on Jan 10, 2015
Pāḷi Study No. 1: The Flower Garland of Roots’ Meaning - Jan 2015
Editor’s note
This information found in
this booklet is largely extracted from Introduction part of Pāḷi Dictionary
“Dhatvattha Pangon” written by Ashin Kumāra in Burmese. The purpose is to give
readers more knowledge on nature of Pāḷi roots, types of Pāḷi roots, suffixes
flowers with fragrant smell, beautiful color and beautiful forms are systematically
tied as garlands, they will make people’s mind happy and cheerful. In the same
way, Pāḷi roots are like the flowers, the group of letters are like the strings
that tied the flowers, the meaning of roots are like the flower fragrant, and
examples are like the colors. The dhātupaccayavibhāgaviggaha are like the
flowers are divided into types, and then further explained with translation.
I hope that this work may cause the heart of people who research on the Pāḷi to be cheerful like seeing a garland of flowers.