
Request donation for dining hall and solar electrcity installation

 Due to the political and economic situation in Myanmar, the cost for building material for the dining hall has increased a lot. We need support to finish the current construction project.  The electrcity blackout is very frequent. Sometimes, we have 12 hours without any electrcity, or worst 2 days without electrcity. Solar panel +battery + inverter is necessary to provide electrcity and wifi for our education purpose, and for the Dhamma talks. Please donate to Bank name : KBZ bank Account Name: Agga Vati Account number:07030107000698701 Kpay: +959421088185 Thank you.

12 April 2024 Back to very basic nature of life

Back to very basic nature of life in the hot summer: Today, I shared with my Abhidhamma students about the difficulty of maintain the life in Myanmar, and this material body called rūpa in Abhidhamma. There was total electricity blackout for 2 days, so I was busy trying to make sure all everyone (7 persons, more if the neighbour children come here) here have enough water. Because our water pumps need electricity to pump the water from the underground. Without electricity, life is difficult. In addition, it is now summer, hot as 38 to 41 degree from 12 to 4pm. Night time was about 31 degree. so everyone needed to take showers few times a day. This is contemplation of difficulty of maintaining the rūpa. Rūpa (material, body) was the previous topic in my Abhidhamma lesson. We need to give food to the body (rūpa), make sure it has enough nutriment and stay with sufficient water. Need to give it coolness to maintain the body, by drinking water and taking shower, and also staying in shady

Education Trend Nowadays

  We are happy to share my computer knowledge with the youths. Many old computers become unusable due to the hardware failure. Still, some are in good working condition. Now, we are no longer doing the copy+paste format -that is the study method existed 200 years ago until now. That means, the students read the books, memorize all, and write exactly in the exam. The trend of education is 1. Thinking and analytical skill 2. Team work 3. Leadership quality 4. Spiritual level like kindness, patience, etc. We give them a project to work on, and let the youths discuss among themselves. They can use own thinking, creativity, etc. to complete this task. They have been doing document, voice editing, powerpoint, and they will do movie-editing.

Part-time Māra Youth to Full-time Deva Youth

24 March 2024 Now in this March, in the summer time, we have one month children and youth education. I teach the youth computer and English. And my senior Sayagyi Aggavati takes care of young ones and teaches Buddhist culture   and English. This is our paññādāna, offering of knowledge to the needy children and youths. It is good to share our knowledge, good to cultivate bodhi seeds in their young minds. We have few young ones staying here, from age 7 to 14. It is a headache dealing with some youths or teenagers here! At one moment, they look like angel or deva/devi, having nice manner and cute like children, with the innocence and eagerness to learn. The next moment, they are like Māra: disobedient, do whatever they want to do, hide their bad characteristic and pretend to be a good one! One teenager came with her grandmother   and stayed here. Her Grandmother said, before as a child, she was very obedient. After moving on to teenagerhood, she became naughty and disobedient. At on

Dhamma article: The Sudden Coldness and Sudden Realization in the Sudden Rain

  20 March 2024 The Sudden Coldness and Sudden Realization in the Sudden Rain In the summer time, when the hot weather of about 36 degrees and very dry weather for one week, suddenly the rain came this evening. I thought it never came, as the broadcast said it would rain in other places. First, the wind blew, then a thunderstorm and the heavy rain came. Before the rain came, one worker came to cover a few machines. But still, there are many tools that are not covered yet. We two sayagyis here are the management here, so we are worried that equipment and tools will be spoiled with water, and the cement bag will be wet too.   These things are vital for the construction of the dining hall. The workers have returned to their dwelling place. So, we rushed to cover things. So, since I was the active one and knew the things and places, I was wet with the rain while looking for cover, wood, and other stuff to cover things. While I was busy with this duty, the four children who were s

Contemplation of Mind- Removing Angry Mind

A Case Study of Removing the Cause of Anger When there is no anger, how can we know? We may contrast that with the moment of rage. When someone is furious, their voice is harsh, their expression is sad, and their movements are jerky. Like the elderly auntie described before. According to Abhidhamma, the mind causes both physical intimation (kayaviññātti) and verbal intimation (vaciviññatti). The term Viññatti refers to the process of expressing one's thoughts. When the mind is pleased, the body and verbal action are also pleasant. When the mind is dissatisfied, the body and speech will be unpleasant. Of course, occasionally because of greedy thoughts, the face will be joyful and happy. The Buddha is said as the physician and Dhamma is the medicine to cure disease. Now, we are applying Dhamma therapy to her. After administering the remedy to her, she is happier, her voice is softer, her face is more relaxed, and her movements are gentler. What  is  the  best  remedy to  calm  her